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Floyd Co. Democrats to host Election returns event

The Party will meet at the New Albany Elks Lodge

NEW ALBANY, November 2, 2023 – The Floyd County Democratic Party has announced that Democratic candidates and supporters will gather for General Election Returns at the New Albany Elk Lodge on Tuesday, November 5th. Guests will be served hors d’oeuvres as part of the event. Here is the information:

General Election Returns – November 5th, 2024
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
New Albany Elk Lodge

426 Pearl Street
New Albany, Indiana

Party officials will provide updates on the cumulative results as reported by the Floyd County Clerk’s Office and media outlets.

“Our candidates our working hard to earn the votes of Floyd County citizens,” stated Party Chair Adam Dickey. “Their vision for Floyd County focuses on restoring integrity, balancing our county budget, and keeping taxes fair. They are committed to investing in public safety and improving our roads, county parks, and other public facilities.”

This year’s General Election features races for President, Senate, Congress, Governor, and Attorney General in addition to local races for County Treasurer, Coroner, Commissioner and Council.

“Our team is optimistic and will be eagerly watching the results come in, ready to see the voices of our community reflected in the numbers,” added Dickey. “We are deeply thankful for everyone who has helped in this campaign cycle - the countless volunteers, donors, and supporters who dedicated time, energy, and resources to these campaigns. From canvassing to making calls, we are immensely grateful for the strong support we’ve felt.”

The General Election Return event is open to the public. For more information on the event or Election Day, please contact Floyd County Democratic Party Headquarters at 812-720-2020.



Adam Dickey