Floyd Co. Democrats to host Virtual Election returns
Party to report results via Facebook Live
NEW ALBANY, October 30, 2020 – The Floyd County Democratic Party has announced that due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, it will conduct a virtual Election Returns program on November 3rd in lieu of the traditional in-person event held for party candidates and other supporters. The virtual program will be featured online via the Party’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/floyddems. The program will begin at approximately 7:30 p.m. once the first round of results are returned.
“The COVID-19 Pandemic remains a serious threat to the health and safety of many in our community,” stated Party Chair Adam Dickey. “With the infection rate climbing to unprecedented levels – over 3,600 just yesterday statewide – our party leadership and candidates feel we cannot risk the health and safety of those who would gather to celebrate our effort on election night.”
Indiana and Floyd County have seen a resurgence in COVID-19 infections since late June.
Recently, the Floyd County Health Department extended its mask requirement for public places and has imposed new restrictions on public events. Floyd County is currently considered a “yellow” county on the state government’s county metric map.
Party officials will provide updates on the cumulative results as reported by the Floyd County Clerk’s Office and media outlets.
“Democrats are excited about this election,” noted Dickey. “Together, our community can meet the challenges presented by COVID-19, just as we can meet challenges that impact our economy and unemployment, public education system, infrastructure issues, and environment. We must all meet our responsibility to help make our local community a better place in which to live.”
This year’s Primary Election features races for U.S. President, U.S. Congress, State Representative, Commissioner, County Council, County Treasurer, County Recorder, County Coroner and County Surveyor.
For more information on the program or Election Day please contact Floyd County Democratic Party Headquarters at 812-720-2020. Members of the media may contact Chair Dickey on Election Night at 812-786-5895.