Democrats rally behind investment in Floyd County
Party calls for action on County’s Fiscal Deficit and State’s DCS Crisis
New Albany, July 1, 2018 – Members of the Floyd County Democratic Party used their biennial county convention to promote community investment in Floyd County while speaking out on two important issues facing that same community – the county budget deficit and the ongoing crisis in the State Department of Child Services.
“Floyd County Democrats believe in what we can accomplish together with a good education, a good-paying job, and with a stronger community,” said Party Chair Adam Dickey. “Our vision is for a community that strives to have the best schools, invests in its quality of life through public parks and infrastructure, and ensures all its residents have the opportunity for economic success.”
In addition to rallying behind its candidates, the Party approved a local platform that focuses on fiscal responsibility and ethical governance; ensuring opportunities for educational advancement, quality health care, and economic growth; and building a first-class infrastructure including roads and bridges as well as public safety.
“Central to these interests is addressing the county’s fiscal deficit,” stated Dickey “Under Republican leadership, the county’s budget deficit has grown to $4.9 million with officials forced to use proceeds from the hospital sale to run the county’s general fund – that’s not a sustainable path for the future of our community.”
Precinct Committee members unanimously approved a resolution calling on county fiscal leaders to adopt a true, balanced budget. It also committed Democratic candidates and officeholders to fiscally responsible governance and to support policies that improve the local standard of living and work to provide a self-sustaining community that prioritizes capital projects.
The Party also addressed concerns over the management and staffing of the Indiana Department of Child Services. DCS Director Mary Beth Bonaventura resigned in late December citing several critical issues placing Indiana children at risk. Six investigations have also identified significant deficiencies in the state department, but have failed to yield major state reforms.
“Republican leaders like State Legislators Ed Clere and Ron Grooms have shown they aren’t even willing to push their party to address this critical issue,” stated Dickey. “Abused and neglected children need our help, not to be lost in the system or left in danger.”
The party called on the General Assembly to immediately respond to this crisis by properly funding the department, ensuring it meets the 12/17 caseload standards statewide, and providing additional training and staff support.
“We are committed to restoring local fiscal responsibility and building a community that meets our challenges and fosters opportunities for all our citizens.” added Dickey.