Republicans – The Rules Don’t Apply to them
Republican Officeholders fail to file Camapign Finance Reports
NEW ALBANY – In Floyd County, Republicans believe that the rules don’t apply to them or at least that is the appearance following the January 17th statuatory deadline to file annual campaign finance reports. Several Republican officeholders, including Floyd County Commissioners Mark Seabrook and Billy Stewart, as well as County Prosecutor Keith Henderson, are among a list of Republican officeholders who have failed to submit their annual report or filed late.
“Mark Seabrook, who announced earlier this year that he will be running for Mayor of New Albany because he ‘thinks it is his time,’ can’t be bothered with filing his public campaign finance report?,” questioned Floyd County Democratic Party Chair Adam Dickey. “What is Mark Seabrook hiding by not releasing his campaign finance reports?”
Under Indiana law, local candidates and elected officials with an open campaign finance committee are required to file an annual report with the Floyd County Clerk’s office. Statewide and legislative candidates must file a similar report with the Indiana Election Division. Failure to submit the report by the deadline can result in fines against the candidate of $50 per day up to a maximum of $1000. Candidates may also be subject to criminal penalties.
Prosecutor Keith Henderson, who has a history of ethics violations, also failed to publicly file his campaign finance report by the deadline. His report was filed over a week late on January 25th. County Commissioner Billy Stewart filed his report late on January 29th.
“Other Republicans are now following Mark Seabrook’s leadership by thinking that the rules don’t apply to them either,” asserted Dickey. “If Keith Henderson thinks he is above the law and that the rules set by the legislature don’t apply to him and other Republicans, how can he effectively enforce our community’s laws?”
Dickey has called on the Floyd County Election Board to hold hearings and assess fines against all candidates – Republican and Democrat - who have failed to submit their campaign finance report.
“The public has a right to know who is contributing to these officeholders,” added Dickey. “That’s not how a public servant should act and Floyd County deserves better leadership. ”