Ron Grooms is using taxpayer-funded resources to play dirty politics
Grooms using taxpayer-funded resources on his campaign while attacking Anna Murray
New Albany, October 2, 2018 – A complaint has been filed with the Legislative Ethics Committee requesting an investigation into multiple posts on social media by State Senator Ron Grooms for using state-provided resources for his political campaign.
On September 18th, Grooms sent a first shot at his challenger, Anna Murray. In addition to a message attacking his challenger candidate, an attached photo of his business card also revealed his use of government resources for his re-election campaign.
“We are getting geared up to tell voters that I am FOR CLARK AND FLOYD COUNTY first and then I will work on my opponent’s liberal agenda“ FOR INDIANA ”when we have more money than allowed by the State Constitution and it’s budget limitations” reads the tweet (attached).
Included with the tweet was a photo of Grooms’ campaign card, where a taxpayer-funded government email address,, was listed alongside campaign accounts, and above “Re-elect Ron Grooms”.
“Grooms’ blatant use of government resources for his campaign is disturbing and a betrayal of the public trust. As a resident of Senate District 46, I am appalled that Grooms would use resources paid for by the taxpayers to bolster his political campaign. This is exactly what happens when a career politician is focused on keeping their seat above serving the people,” said Dickey.
“Based on this alarming abuse of taxpayer resources, it’s clear to me that Grooms has been in office so long, he has forgotten the line between serving the people and serving himself.”
A second photo of what appears to be a copy of the same business card was posted on Groom’s Facebook page on September 25, 2018. It contains the same taxpayer-funded government email address,, listed alongside campaign accounts and re-election messaging.
Dickey said a complaint was be filed with the Legislative Ethics Committee today. A copy of the letter detailing the complaint, and screenshots of the full tweet and Facebook post are included.