Chair's Statement on Grooms Ethics Review
Floyd County Democratic Party Chair Adam Dickey released the following statement regarding State Senator Liz Brown’s ethics review of a complaint made by the Democratic Party on Tuesday, October 2nd against Ron Grooms:
"I'm disappointed with the decision by State Senator Brown. Not only was this matter not reviewed by the other members of the State Senate Legislative Ethics Committee, Senator Groom's own behavior has raised important questions. In his responses to the News and Tribune, there was confusion over who was responsible for managing his social media and whether his taxpayer funded legislative staff assisted in posting campaign messages. The fact that he used his government email on campaign materials invites the public to use that service in a way altogether inappropriate for a taxpayer funded resource.”
“We’ve now also learned Senator Grooms campaign staff was distributing materials over the weekend that either lack a campaign disclaimer or were paid for with taxpayer funds. Our party will be reviewing whether to file a complaint on this latest issue.”
“Time and time again, we’ve seen career politicians like Grooms blur the lines between ethical and unethical behavior. Perhaps it is time we start asking ourselves why these individuals place themselves in that position in the first place.”