Stand up and Speak Out!
Deadline to file for State Delegate Friday, February 9th!
It's time to stand up and speak out Floyd County Democrats! The 2018 Indiana Democratic State Convention is scheduled for June 16th in Indianapolis and you could represent your community at this important event.
This year's convention delegates will select candidates for statewide elective office such as Secretary of State as well as establish the 2018 Party Platform. In addition, several party auxiliary groups and caucuses will also meet to organize for the election.
The 2018 Floyd County delegation will feature 29 individuals and there are no special requirements to be a convention delegate other than being a registered Democrat. Like the diversity of our community itself, delegates range in age and background and often include those outside of elected or other government positions. Everyone with a commitment to work for our Democratic candidates has a place in our party.
How do I sign-up? Signing up to serve takes just a few moments. You'll need to complete a Candidacy Form and return it before noon on Friday, February 9th, to the Floyd County Clerk's Office. The office is located on the second floor of the New Albany - Floyd County City County Building at 311 Hauss Square in New Albany. You can download the form by clicking here!
Still have questions? Give us a call or email us.Your party officers are more than happy to assist you with your concerns and questions. Chair Adam Dickey can be reached via telephone at 812-786-5895 or via email at